>Ulrik Wilbek - ledelsesparalleller - foredrag<



Ulrik Wilbek - ledelsesparalleller - foredragIndtil OL i Beijing i 2008 havde Ulrik Wilbek ikke været træner for et hold i en VM-, EM- eller OL slutrunde uden at komme hjem med medaljer. Dette gør ham til en af de mest succesrige danske håndboldtrænere nogensinde.
Ulrik har skabt unikke resultater med det danske landshold – såvel dame- som herrehold.

Ulrik var tidligere sportschef i Dansk Håndbold Forbund. Herudover var han i en periode lokalpolitiker i Viborg Kommune for partiet Venstre. Ulrik har skrevet bøger om ledelse og sine erfaringer fra håndbolden, som er medvirkende til at danne grobund for hans karriere som foredragsholder. Ulrik Wilbek er i dag Borgmester i Viborg Kommune og samtidig en eftertragtet taler og foredragsholder.


Sådan lyder titlen på det spændende foredrag, hvor Ulrik Wilbek fortæller om et liv med yderst mangfoldige erfaringer og perspektiver.

For den brede befolkning er Ulrik primært kendt som succesfuld håndboldtræner for både dame- og herrelandsholdet. Men Ulrik er også aktiv forfatter, foredragsholder og lokalpolitiker, og har siden januar 2018 været borgmester i Viborg. Ulrik vil i dette foredrag komme ind på denne "rejse" og parallellerne og forskellene i de forskellige ledelsesmæssige arenaer.

- I have too many years catered for players and coaches in Viborg, but when I said yes to the job coach , it was finally my own fault, says
Ulrik Wilbek.

The new men's team coach coach likes to throw declined to the same job offer six years ago because he then would not break a trainer contract with Viborg HK . Now he has finally gotten what he calls a dream job - and probably the last stop.

- I've tried just about everything else as a coach and can see myself in the post for many years to come , says the 47 -year-old coach who probably had his last club coach job .

- Should Ciudad Real , or some other leading club inquire about any year , one should never say never , smiling coach likes to throw and is happy again to be in coach rhythm when you are not with the players every day, but you can recharge your batteries from time to time.

Students' test
Ulrik Wilbek is Denmark's most successful Match Ball Coach with the national team gold at both the Olympics, World Cup and European Championships as well as a number of titles with Viborg's handball women , and he led Viborg gentlemen up in the playoff in the newly settled season. The many women's titles notwithstanding, qualifying for the men's playoff might Wilbeks biggest achievement and in many handball experts' eyes a bit of an apprenticeship .

- I wonder if I now Viborg handball gentlemen have proven my skills as a master trainer, and I do not feel that I again have to prove anything because I take over the national team , smiling Zeelander that does not fail to tell about his time as coach of Virum in the men's 1 . division in the mid eighties .

- For me there is no big difference in training ladies and gentlemen, it 's just about being yourself, tells Ulrik Wilbek . Anything else would be artificial and then you will quickly see through , says coach likes to throw that does not fear problems with the stars of big foreign clubs like Barcelona and Dover .

- I had not taken on the job if half the team or my coach colleagues had said from . On the contrary, then it's just more of the players at the top of the hierarchy who wanted me as a new coach after Torben Winther .

The shift from Winther to coach Ulrik Wilbek likes to throw will be felt in many ways both on and off the field . Externally, the shy of the press Winther replaced by the welcoming coach likes to throw , and the camera crew , who almost constantly watched the national team squad at the training camp in Rønbjerg , had guaranteed never been so free rein under former coach during the World Cup debacle in Tunisia reached new heights in abstruse .

Internally , players can look forward to much more communication, the coach likes to throw intend to talk a lot with the players to create what he calls " security in insecurity ."
- Unlike club team is the national team is basically a creepy things , explains the new coach Ulrik Wilbek.

- For the players are facing stiff competition and could theoretically lose the place anytime.

The insecurity samples coach likes to throw to minimize at all times to communicate with the players. A communication must go both ways, as players take on more responsibility for the team.

Mood Lift
Coach shift has not otherwise resulted in a mood boost among the players. Thursday training was almost giddy and players chattered and cackled as if it was them and not all its pupils , which could see up to eight weeks of summer vacation.

Among them were farm guard coach likes to throw and smiled blissfully between the serious tactical exercises.
Ulrik Wilbek has got one of his two dream job. The second - mayor of Viborg - he has written off.

- I think I burned my bridges in politics.

It may Danish handball audience live with that. I hope he burns for the national team

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