>Erik Meier Carlsen - integrationsdemokrati - foredrag<

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Erik Meier Carlsen - integrationsdemokrati - foredragErik Meier Carlsen is a writer and journalist, political commentator at the newspaper Information, former editor of B.T. and information, political editor
 of The Free News and The Monday Morning weekly.

Author of, among others: "The presence - the Dalai Lama's life and teachings"
 (Politiken Publishers, 2007) The fourth Alliance (Gyldendal 2007)
The redundant rebellion (Centrum 2001), director of research and co-author behind "Political Journalism", DJH 1999.

Erik Meier Carlsen has followed the Danish politics closely for 32 years. He has traveled in Tibet, Bhutan and Nepal and studied with the Dalai Lama and a large number of Tibetan masters and "reborn Buddhas".

Erik Meier Carlsen can give lectures on politics, religion and society by appointment.

Erik Meier Carlsen has in the last year published 'presence a "critically acclaimed, rich and nuanced portrayal of the Dalai Lama, his Buddhist faith and Tibet's recent history as well as" The Fourth Alliance - about politics and religion in the new Danes Denmark "."

"The book is one of the most fascinating and innovative analyzes that I have long read. Finally, it says nothing new in the immigration debate. Reading the book is like reading a mystery novel. One can not put the book down, because it actually have a solution at the end. It is well written, popular and sometimes elegant. "
Hans Hauge, Jyllands-Posten

Erik Meier Carlsen lectures:

Erik Meier Carlsen keeps genre lectures on CURRENT DANISH POLICY DANISH POLICY IN 25 YEARS, PEOPLE AND ELITE - the main voltage in Danish politics during this decade, IMMIGRATION - CHALLENGE FOR DENMARK, THE MEDIA - POLICY NEW ARENA, RELIGION AND POLITICS.

Erik Meier Carlsen lectures on BUDDHIST IN DENMARK TIBET - MYTH AND REALITY, Buddhism, in TIBETAN monasteries in TIBET, BHUTAN, NEPAL AND INDIA

Further topics on request.