Parish Priest , Master of Theology . , PhD, commentator , author and speaker
Kathrine Lilleør is one of the most active commentators and opinion . She is
active in a variety of media with regular column in Berlingske Tidende . She is
known as a committed critic and commentator , and she has written numerous
articles and opinion pieces . She also wrote the book " True to the faith ,"
which is an interview with Naser Khader of faith, differences and similarities.
She has since 2002 been a member of the Ethics Council and since 2003 president
of the Primary Council. And she has simultaneously contributed to a number of
anthologies and written " From Heart to Heart - new interpretations of fairy
tales ."
She is a much sought after speaker that can be used in a variety of contexts.
She fills the halls all over the country . Here are some suggestions for lecture
topics. The lectures tailored for all events.
True to the faith - talks about doubt , roots and the 72 virgins
In the book " True to the faith" has two distinctive voices in the debates of
the priest Kathrine Lilleør and politician Naser Khader , come together to talk
about their different beliefs about how the differences and similarities
accounts when public debating issues such as ethics and morality , democracy,
the necessity of faith and especially the relationship between men and women.
Khader and Roxanne Lilleør know each other well , and therefore sparks fly when
the distance is too long between points of view , and respect for the other
lights off the pages .
A thoughtful presentation to anyone who would like to know more about the
relationship between Christianity and Islam : what should the sacrament for?
What can Kathrine Lilleør contribute when parents have lost a child ? Where do
Naser Khader go when he needs comfort? How does Christianity to infidelity?
Should headscarf banned? Should we have state mosques in Denmark ?
Life and Leadership - Lars Nørby Johansen seen by Kathrine Lilleør
When Lars Nørby Johansen as new Director of Falck announced mass layoffs in the
old company , applauded the employees of him. What is it that he can ? Was he
their executioner or their savior ? Deceiver or leads ?
In her interview book with the man who has become a symbol of good personal
management when Kathrine Lilleør behind the business 's parades and professional
answers , right up to the man Lars Nørby with his enthusiasm , doubts and
regrets . Kathrine Lilleør , the art of asking and listening - and ask again .
She gets underway Lars Nørby to tell the story of the Falck Group 4 Falck and
G4S in a way it has never been told before . It is also the story of the Funen
merchant who was a leftist university employee, before he found his role as a
business leader and taught Falck , that it is both necessary and decent to
monetize their work.
New inspirational lectures on management of Kathrine Lilleør and Lars Nørby
Johansen based on conversation book.
Other lectures titles from Kathrine Lilleør
About values (eg . Values-based leadership and ethics in management context )
Ethical issues and stories
Gender diversity , sin and love
Leadership and self-understanding
Value-Based Management
Power and powerlessness as management tools
Stories from the Bible
Seduction and imagination in Soren Kierkegaard
New interpretations of H.C.Andersens adventure
Love story in Henrik Pontoppidan's " kingdom of the dead "
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